When I started Songwriter’s Beat 13 years ago I didn’t plan to start a night that would continue on for all these years. It’s been a tremendous labor of love to keep it going – and there have been plenty of times I almost stopped.
Last night’s incredible concert reminded me why I started The Songwriter’s Beat in the first place: for our 13th anniversary, Tinkr Barfield took the Songwriter’s Beat stage with his own project for the very first time and rocked the room, Mazz Swift blew us away with her virtuosity & unique sound, Rupert Wates brought us to a beautiful meadow of music and harmony, and I jumped off a new cliff with eyes wide & played 5 new songs (yes, all new!) – some from my new album, others written or arranged just this week. All the music – 2 hours of four different musical styles, genres & combinations of instruments – was fantastic!

L-R: Alfa Anderson, Dave Chun, Tinkr Barfield, Valerie Ghent, Booker King, Pete Cannarozzi, Mazz Swift at Songwriter’s Beat 13th Anniversary Concert, Nov 21, 2013
Our concert could have been at Lincoln Center or any music festival – the music was that good. And you know what? that’s what it’s like every month at Songwriter’s Beat. Great songs, great music, great artists.
My heartfelt thanks to all the artists for sharing their love and light on our Songwriter’s Beat stage, gratitude to our enthusiastic audience and thanks to St. John’s for being our home away from home. Special shout outs to KJ Denhert, Christian John Wikane, Aziza Miller, John Seeger, Andrea Watts, Fran Mitchell, Booker King, Alfa Anderson, to my Valerie Simpson/A+S bandmates Peter Cannarozzi, Bernard Davis, Dave Chun, and to my husband Tom. I love you all!
Here’s to keeping live music live, & bringing NEW SONGS TO LIFE at Songwriter’s Beat!
live photos by Andrea Watts